Meet The Team


SHANIKWA LEMON, Owner & Director

Ms. Lemon’s personal mission in life is to enrich and improve the lives of children and her community. She fulfills this by dedicating her time to tutoring, educating and mentoring the youth. Her self-motivation and passion has driven her to start a business where passionate educators and care givers can make their own impact on the world.  

Years working in the Early Childhood Education field has developed Ms. Lemon to effectively communicate with children and adults. She is known for her preschoolers to enter primary school at 1 to 2 levels above grade level. Her approach of nurturing the whole child, has allowed her successful develop children in many areas. She has built trust and a relationship with her students that allow them to open up and express themselves. Through her diligence, students she has encountered has progressed academically, as well as socially.

Throughout her career, Ms. Lemon found ways to make every learning concept understandable to each child. She has learned that her approach to each student must to be unique and detailed so the information can be understood. Ms. Lemon understands the need to be flexible and accommodate each family’s busy schedule and need.

Ms. Lemon has collaborated with organizations such as public schools, Boys & Girls Clubs, churches and much more to develop programs for children of all ages. Through hands on exchange with the community, she learned how to execute her mission through partnerships. She understands that partnerships are important for building a stronger supporting community for children.



Ms. Jamilla is an educator and servant leader who works with youth to support their personal and academic growth. She believes, “Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it,” Marian Wright Edelman. 

Ms. Jamilla has served local and global communities for nearly two decades. Her two most significant roles were as an AmeriCorps member for the Paterson School Corps; and Peace Corps volunteer in Lesotho (Southern Africa) from 2015 to 2017. She is known for her kindness, passion, ingenuity, and humor, which she brings to each classroom or session. 

Jamilla holds a BA in Communications from Ramapo College of New Jersey. She is currently a member of the Educational Opportunity Fund Program Community Advisory Board (EOFCAB) at her alma mater.