Beyond The Books supports families and nurtures scholars by becoming your Educational Partners!


BTB stands out from other tutoring and childcare services because we truly cater to the student and family. The personal relationships that develop help establish a level of trust and confidence in students. Clients can feel that the support is genuine and all efforts are made to help a student succeed.

At the start of tutoring sessions, the parents are instructed to set up a meeting with the primary educators (classroom teachers) so BTB can begin a tutoring plan. By visiting and meeting with the primary teacher, the tutor will get all necessary information to develop, implement and supplement what is needed. The tutor will inform parents of all improvements and concerns after every session. As sessions progress, report cards and evaluations from primary educators are used to determine the overall success of the tutoring sessions. Adaptability, humility and enthusiasm is what sets us aside from any other tutoring and childcare service. We simply have a passion for what we do.

​All Beyond the Books consultants are required to pass a background check, criminal check, provide proof of education, and have good recommendations from former employers and references. To ensure BTB Consultants are providing high quality service, we all meet weekly to review and plan collectively as a  group. The agency also participates in monthly professional development training courses and community outreach.

Our Mission

Beyond The Books empower learners to achieve academic success through educational activities and instruction; further creating confident young scholars, a love for learning and fulfilling a need for every family and community.


  • Honesty & Integrity

  • Experienced & Professional

  • Passionate & Enthusiastic

  • Partnerships & Relationships

Meet The Team


SHANIKWA LEMON, Owner & Director

Ms. Lemon’s personal mission in life is to enrich and improve the lives of children and her community. She fulfills this by dedicating her time to tutoring, educating and mentoring the youth. Her self-motivation and passion has driven her to start a business where passionate educators and care givers can make their own impact on the world.  

Years working in the Early Childhood Education field has developed Ms. Lemon to effectively communicate with children and adults. She is known for her preschoolers to enter primary school at 1 to 2 levels above grade level. Her approach of nurturing the whole child, has allowed her successful develop children in many areas. She has built trust and a relationship with her students that allow them to open up and express themselves. Through her diligence, students she has encountered has progressed academically, as well as socially.

Throughout her career, Ms. Lemon found ways to make every learning concept understandable to each child. She has learned that her approach to each student must to be unique and detailed so the information can be understood. Ms. Lemon understands the need to be flexible and accommodate each family’s busy schedule and need.

Ms. Lemon has collaborated with organizations such as public schools, Boys & Girls Clubs, churches and much more to develop programs for children of all ages. Through hands on exchange with the community, she learned how to execute her mission through partnerships. She understands that partnerships are important for building a stronger supporting community for children.



Ms. Jamilla is an educator and servant leader who works with youth to support their personal and academic growth. She believes, “Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it,” Marian Wright Edelman. 

Ms. Jamilla has served local and global communities for nearly two decades. Her two most significant roles were as an AmeriCorps member for the Paterson School Corps; and Peace Corps volunteer in Lesotho (Southern Africa) from 2015 to 2017. She is known for her kindness, passion, ingenuity, and humor, which she brings to each classroom or session. 

Jamilla holds a BA in Communications from Ramapo College of New Jersey. She is currently a member of the Educational Opportunity Fund Program Community Advisory Board (EOFCAB) at her alma mater.


Mr. Derrick, Tutor

Derrick Watson is a black male educator with over 22 years in the education field. Serving his tenure in Paterson, New Jersey; this father of seven knows the importance of having positive male influencers in the lives of our youth. With a passion of developing the youngest minds, Mr. Derrick has worked in early childhood education in the Paterson Public School district. Being a father and educator, Derrick served with Paterson’s district-wide PTO and with the PEA teachers’ union. Working in this capacity has led Mr. Watson to create, Parents for A Better County, a parent advocacy group that brings awareness and collaborative solutions to the challenges in the educational system. Mr. Derrick also performs as a gospel comedian, bringing the joy of laughter to many audiences since 2013 and also launched Blasters Universe in 2020. Blasters is a mobile “Nerf-inspired" business for all ages. Initiatives like “In the Community,“ allow Mr. Derrick to bring the fun of Blasters to our youth at low-to no-cost.

Mr. Derrick uses his voice and skills to light the path for children, educators and parents. His passion for a fair and equitable education is leading him towards a path of advocacy and he is enthused to do this much needed work.

Mr. Derrick joined Beyond the Books in 2021.


Ms. Linda, Tutor

Linda Miller joined Beyond the Books in 2023. She is currently in her 10th year working as a speech therapist in Jersey City public schools in NJ. She received her bachelor's in communication science and Disorders from William Paterson University and Master's of Science in Speech Language Pathology and Audiology from Northern Arizona University. In 2010, she enrolled in an interpreting training program and was a part of the first graduating class at Passaic County Community College in Paterson, NJ. This was the start of her journey into the deaf community. She currently serves as the administrator for the Deaf Advocacy Group of NJ, a group that seeks to bridge the gap between the deaf and hearing communities.

For the last 8 years, Ms. Linda has been the coordinator of the Reading Assistance Program servicing children and adults at St. Luke Baptist Church. Literacy is very important to her. She believes that literacy is good for the soul and readers become leaders. In 2014, she founded the Avid Readers Unite Book club on Facebook, a space for readers of all levels to gather, share their love for reading, meet new authors and have monthly spirited book discussions. In June 2021, she started Happy Reading LLC, an online company seeking to help busy educators ignite their inner reader that improves wellness, mindset, and personal development that transforms the overall quality of life. She also has a coaching program to help busy educators manage their time better. We are honored to have Ms. Linda as part of the Beyond the Books team.


Ms. Jones, Tutor

Kimmeshia L. Rogers-Jones, MSW is a purpose-driven community servant focused on opening doors, elevating people, being the bridge, creating an inclusive environment, and affecting change within society. Kimmeshia attended undergrad at Passaic County community college and Rutgers University (Newark). She received her master’s degree in social work from Kean University. She has over 10 plus years of experience in the social work field. Kimmeshia is currently an adjunct Professor at Passaic County Community College where she teaches courses within the Human Services and Pre-Social work programs. She is also the Owner of Purpose Living LLC- Community Based Support Services through mental and spiritual wellness. Kimmeshia is a member of Holy Tabernacle Apostolic Church, where she serves as Evangelist and Community Outreach Liaison. She is also a member of the Paterson Chapter NAACP and is committed to supporting her community through encouragement, education, and ADVOCACY.

Kimmeshia is the mother of 3 adult children, her late son Eric jones and daughters Me’laysia and Jeane’ Jones. Proud Auntie, Sister, daughter, Godmother and Mima. Kimmeshia has dedicated her life to Advocating for the underserved within her community. She is committed to affecting change by being a voice for the voiceless. Always prepared and ready to get into good trouble for what is right.